Kalena Chan

VISITING INSTRUCTOR: Kalena Chan teaches postpartum workshops with Baby Moon Tri-Fit. She has 30 + years as a physical therapist.  She started her practice in orthopedic physical therapy. To advance her manual therapy skills studied in a 1 year fellowship with NAIOMT.   Midway through her career , she realized that many women did not receive good quality care or health information when it came to physical problems during pregnancy and issues that can challenge women post partum and beyond into peri-menopause and menopausal age groups.  She then started to build her skill set to serve this underserved population.   

She is certified a through the Barral Institute as an Visceral Techniques Practitioner, Certified Birth Healing Therapist with the Institute for Birth Healing , and  Certified Integrative Health Practitioner.  She uses a whole-body and integrative approach and believes that in order to help her clients efficiently, manual skills,  her training as a physical therapist, nutrition considerations, a well informed movement and exercise program, emotional and stress factors have to be addressed.  She works with other providers like acupuncturists and functional medicine practitioners to create the best healing environment .  She is passionate about helping demystify pelvic health problems. She loves help clients take control over their health,  and excel to returning to their physical goals.

For Fun: She loves the outdoors and on the weekends will find her in the NM mountains mountain biking, rock climbing, stand up paddle boarding, backpack and camping.
You’ll also find her at live concerts and recently has joined a local Japanese drumming Taiko group.
She also loves traveling and is a self professed born foodie.