Mich Cotton

Mich’s experience with yoga began her senior year of high school. After just one class, she was amazed at how much more calm and centered she felt. Being an athlete, her body was often strong but not flexible, which led to aches and pains. Yoga has been a tool to help her flexibility – physically and mentally.

Mich has spent most of her professional career as an elementary school teacher. She incorporates yoga techniques with her students to help them develop their own mindfulness practice. While living and teaching in Denver, she received her 200 hour Yoga teacher training certificate. Through her teacher, Tina Porter, she learned the importance of breath and ways to incorporate mindful breath work with movement. A few years later she became an international school teacher in Bali and Mozambique. During her travels, she practiced with many amazing yoga teachers, and yoga has always been a tool for her to feel more grounded and healthy. After moving back to Santa Fe, she completed her 40 hour Yin Yoga teacher training course with Yoga Source. Later when she was pregnant with her son, she began taking prenatal classes with Sarah Silverman. She was inspired by how impactful it was on her physical and mental health to practice with other pregnant women.

Mich is currently completing her 85 hour prenatal teaching training with Sarah at Baby Moon Tri-Fit. She hopes her classes provide a safe space for people to feel connected to themselves, their baby, and each other.  Off the mat, Mich loves spending time outside with her family skiing, hiking, biking, and camping.