Spinning Babies ® Birth Prep Classes


Spinning Babies ® Birth Preparation Class w/ Sarah | Saturday May 18th 12:30-4 pm @ Desert Lotus Yoga| For a 2nd or 3rd trimester pregnant person & a support person | See description & register

Spinning Babies ® Birth Preparation Class w/ Sarah | Friday June 21st 10:30-2 pm @ Desert Lotus Yoga| For a 2nd or 3rd trimester pregnant person & a support person | See description & register

If these times don’t work for you, schedule a private session for you and a partner.

Take your understanding of childbirth to the next level in this class designed for parents with a curriculum that comes straight from the wisdom of Spinning Babies ®. Take this special class in addition to a birthing class that goes over the basics of the stages and phases of labor and what to expect in labor. This class will take your understanding of birth to the next level.

The Spinning Babies Birth Preparation Class in ABQ will be a guide for how to prepare your body for childbirth and remedy if and when situations arise during labor that are slowing down progress and potentially increasing pain. Discover how to bring practical solutions into your labor to help it progress smoothly, whether or not you’re planning to use pain medications.

The class will include simple movements to help prepare the body for labor that are advised to practice daily or a few times each week, partner “balancing” exercises (that feel great) to help open specific regions of the pelvis to help baby navigate their way through (which are very useful in early labor and labor), and clear explanations with 3-D models to show the anatomy of childbirth and how specific movements can help to widen the pelvis in the correct place to help baby move through with much greater ease and potentially less time.

A partner or friend is needed for this class. The price allows entry for a pregnant person (at least 20 weeks) and a support person. $220 plus tax. A birthing ball and gift bag is included.

Monthly Classes include:

  • BIRTHING ANATOMY: Birthing anatomy will become clear with the use of 3-D models and explanations that will help you practically apply physiological awareness into your birth. The 3 levels of the pelvis will be shown, & positions to open each level will be clearly explained & practiced.
  • DAILY ACTIVITIES: Simple & beginner-friendly movements to prepare the body for labor that encourage the body’s muscles & ligaments to be supple and the pelvis to be mobile.
  • THE BELLY MAPPING ® METHOD: A method of tuning in to where your baby is for bonding & how to determine their position.
  • THE 3 BALANCES: Exercises to restore the body’s balance. These techniques are practical methods to relieve pain in pregnancy & to create more mobility & space in the pelvis (& uterus) to help baby navigate their way through the pelvis w/ greater ease & less pain.
  • POSITIONS TO HELP CREATE SPACE FOR BABY: These movements, along w/ the 3 Balances, will help address what to do if labor stalls occur, if there are contractions w/out dilation in labor, if baby seems “stuck”, or if the laborer is experiencing more pain than seems necessary.